
Dancing in the Dark


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Press release: Dancing in the Dark

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When: Oct 25, 7- 9 pm

Where: West Windsor Arts

NYC transplant and WWAC Teaching Artist, Shira Hofmekler is bringing the beautiful practice of pressure free dance to our community with DANCING IN THE DARK. Dance is therapy, dance is cleansing, and dance ultimately, is for everybody and every body.


For accessibility needs, please review our Accessibility Features. You can also reach out to Kimberly@westwindsorarts.org with questions regarding this event.

Intended for audiences age 18+.
Adults with all levels of dancing experience, including none are welcome.
This is a dance party for adults – some of the music may have mature language.

No further information has been provided as of this date.

West Windsor Arts
952 Alexander Rd
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
United States

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