
There was no remote participation link for this meeting.
West Windsor Township leases a building it owns to the WW Arts Council. The Arts Council was awarded a grant from the NJ State Council on the Arts to make capital improvements, which required the approval of the WW Planning Board.
The WW Arts Council proposes to build a new privacy fence on the southern property line. It’s the common property line with the residential lot. The shed is on the southern face of the existing building and they want to expand it by three feet towards the southern property line. The WW Arts Council would like to have a new covered concrete patio east of the bed change.
There will be a new gutter line along the southernmost point of that building expansion that gathers all of the roof runoff from the new expansions. It will also collect some of the runoff from the current roof. The new space that’s being constructed will not be enclosed.
In Section One of the Dutch Neck Planning and Zoning Study, the first three policies (below) will focus on historic resources.
Policy 1: Identify and protect historic resources through the use of creative land development techniques (i.e., flexible implementation of setbacks and buffers) and other methods as may be found effective and practical.
Policy 2: Continue to use the local open space tax to preserve historic resources. In addition, pursue other State and County funding mechanisms and methods of acquisition and/or preservation as available and practical (i.e., conservation easements, private donations).
Policy 3: Maintain design and siting standards to protect the Township's historic and rural character throughout West Windsor, and particularly in the Township's original hamlets and along those roadways where natural vegetation, farmland, or open space remain. These historic features should be preserved wherever possible, as they contribute to the pastoral open character of much of the Township and represent the community's heritage.
There are two properties in the Hunter’s Run study, 1 Country Squire Lane and 2 Country Squire Lane. It was part of the R-30 district and will now be designated to the R-20A District.
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