
Allison Miller started the meeting by sharing that she went on the weekly walk held by the West Windsor Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance (WWBPA). They meet on Tuesdays at 9:30 am at the West Windsor community park to do about an hour of walking. For more information, click HERE.
Arbor Day: There was a donation of $50 for arbor day trees. Lavadera gave it to Ellen Clancy, a member of the West Windsor Shade Tree Commission, the group that is hosting Arbor Day. This event has art contests for children of different ages and they may earn some money for drawing images associated with Arbor Day or trees. FOWWOS has provided funds for the art contest. Miller planned on attending Arbor Day and handing out FOWWOS information, and the flyer created by Ligeti which had the map of West Windsor and all the land uses.
An exciting project, Nash Plaque: FOWWOS paid the first installment of the money for the plaque for Nash Park. The plaque will include busts of John Nash and his wife, Alicia Nash. Former mayor, Shing-Fu Hsueh developed the idea for the project. Ilene Dube, a trustee of FOWWOS and Miller signed the contract with artist Gyuri Hollosy and architect Dan Dobromilsky. Hollosy will be paid $11000 and has $4000 to start with. He will be getting the funds from FOWWOS. About $500 more or less will be spent on installing the plaque.
Trail Cleanup: Ondria Wasem walked in Millstone Preserve East and spotted “two old toilets under some tree trunks” and a “downed tree that needs to be cleared because it’s wrapped in prickly vines” and had a hard time crossing over it. Wasem plans on emailing Dan Dobromilsky and the West Windsor Public Works Department about the objects she encountered at the Preserve. If you observe any trails that need to be cleaned up, please contact the West Windsor Township HERE.
West Windsor Farmers' Market: FOWWOS bought 50 bayberry seedlings and sold 25 bayberry seedlings each for $1 at the Market. But, Angela Castaño Diez found homes for the remaining 25 that weren't sold. Miller will be at the Market on May 13 and either July 29th or August 5th. If you are interested in volunteering at the Market on these dates, you can contact Miller HERE. On West Windsor Community Day, FOWWOS will be giving away native plants.
Upcoming Event: FOWWOS will be having its next amble on May 6th at 2 pm on Stobbe Lane which will be led by Eileen and Dan Watrous. The group will be walking in the Millstone West preserve area.
There is no information on new open space in West Windsor. FOWWOS has not scheduled a cleanup. But if you are walking and you see garbage, take a disposable trash bag to put the garbage in. You can fill out a form from FOWWOS and it will receive funds from the end of the year. To access the form, click HERE. FOWWOS provides a zoom link for remote access. For more information on FOWWOS, click HERE.
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