
There was no remote participation link for this meeting.
At the Planning Board meeting on April 19, one application was discussed. According to the video shared on the Town Council YouTube page, Boston Properties Inc. (BPX) is asking for agreement with their preliminary and final minor site plan approval, C bulk variances, and design waivers for inside renovations and a few outside changes to 105 Carnegie Center. The rationale for this is that they are transforming the empty office building to a laboratory life science facility where about 20% to 40% of the space will be used for the office and the rest will go towards constructing the lab. There will not be any manufacturing happening in the lab.
The outside site improvements include but are not restricted to two loading areas, two diesel backup generators with sound attenuating enclosures, nitrogen and hydrogen tank storage areas with filling stations, prefab shelters to keep dangerous gases, and a 2000 KVA transformer.
BXP is proposing the addition of two loading docks. One is for regular and specialized deliveries (mail deliveries that are not related to lab activities). They are suggesting a secondary loading dock for nitrogen, liquid nitrogen, hydrogen tank, and hazardous gas containers refilling by a WB-50 truck that is licensed and certified delivery service. On the most southern end of the “Southwestern corner” of the site is for a liquid nitrogen storage. The tank will be vertical, above ground, and outside. It can be as tall as 25 ft. Exactly to the north (“western corner”) of that will be a hydrogen tank. It is more horizontal, and will likely be laying flat on the ground. It will not exceed a height of 6 ft.
The facilities will be Biosafety Level (BSL-2) which means that agents that result in human disease are used and their consequences will be moderate. The lab will comply with all federal and state regulations, DEP, and local zoning laws. The West Windsor Township code does not limit the use of chemicals or lab activity in the Center. As part of the lease process, the tenant is mandated to state what materials they are using and how much of it, in detail, is shared with the DEP.
The placement of the hydrogen, nitrogen, and hazardous tank storage and hydrogen and nitrogen filling stations satisfy National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. The use of the nitrogen tank, the hydrogen tank, and the storage shed for the other chemicals must be in accordance with a health and safety policy manual procedure by the lab.
BXP was recommended to not use the typical chain link fence. Instead, BXP plans on having a brown board on board style fence with materials and colors that match the enclosures at 104 Carnegie Center.
Under proposed conditions, there is a desire for 192 parking spaces and 14 bicycle spaces. There will be concrete bollards in the parking lot. The parking area will be modified to have the right number of ADA parking spaces and proper ramps. BXP wants design waivers for the number of parking spaces and loading spaces.
Curb adjustments need to be made to the current parking lot to allow the West Windsor Township fire truck to make a 360 degree turn around the site.
The landscaping will include 38 evergreen trees and six deciduous ornamental trees.
After the board discussed with their professionals, they approved the preliminary and minor site plan approval of the proposal presented by BXP.
To view the documents pertinent to this application, click HERE.
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