
As of now, the next Town Council meeting is on April 24. The next West Windsor Planning Board meeting is on April 19th, and from now on, it will be held in the municipal building, meeting room A, from 6:30-9:30 pm. Same address: 271 Clarksville Rd, 08550
As stated in the agenda, the Applicant requests preliminary and final minor site plan approval for interior renovations as well as exterior improvements to the existing three story office building known located at 105 Carnegie Center, for the purposes of converting same to a mixed use life science / laboratory building with approximately forty percent of the space dedicated to office and the remainder converted to lab. The exterior site improvements include but are not limited to the installation of two loading areas, two diesel generators with sound attenuating enclosures, nitrogen and hydrogen tank areas including filling stations, prefab shelters for hazardous gas storage, and a 2,000 kVa transformer. The site plan also calls for revegetating certain areas as well as modifications to the existing parking lot. Variances and design waivers are required in connection with the requested approvals.
See the agenda HERE. There is no zoom link for remote participation. If you have questions or comments, please attend. If you cannot attend, email your comments and questions to and ask that they be shared with the Planning Board.