
To The Editor
Penns Neck Under Attack Again
On Wednesday, November 9 at 7 PM at the West Windsor Senior Citizen Center the planning board will begin reviewing a second go around of a planning application for the Penns Neck Redevelopment Area.
It is important we attend this meeting. The life blood of Penns Neck is on the line and it is clear the Mayor, Planning Board, and Town Council are in lockstep with absentee developers rather than representing the concerns and values held by the residents who fund the schools, county, and municipal services.
I moved to Penns Neck in 1989. My wife Bea grew up in Penns Neck and her parents were founding members of Twin W Rescue Squad. My grandchildren live on Varsity Avenue. It is a walking neighborhood.
It should be noted that one of the developers allowed property he owned to deteriorate to such an extent it was designated as an area in need of redevelopment. However, the area was expanded to include part of the neighborhood where the housing was in good condition. Tearing down perfectly adequate housing to make way for two drive-thru restaurants, a 16 pump gas station with convenience store and an urgent care clinic is wrong. The proposed traffic circulation plan would add chaos to the neighborhood as vehicles try to escape the Washington/Rt 1 circle.
This is a preliminary meeting and no action is scheduled, however, our voices must be made known. The planning board does not like residents participating and will use up time on inconsequential issues to run the clock out. Patience is a must but the more attendance the more our message will come across.
The Planning Board, Town Council, and the Mayor must be accountable to the residents, not the developers.
Stephen Francis
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